tgh mencari2 rumah sewa untuk diduduki for kemasukan disember. f possible nk y dekat2 shah alam seksyen 18, 19 or 20 becoz bulan 12 nnt aku nk bt LI dah. company aku tu dekat ngn seksyen 19. so, pada sapa2 y boleh tolong carikan rumah sila la inform aku k??...kalo boleh xnk la sewa y mahal sgt, just aku budget dlm rm100-200 je. bukan nk dok lm pon just 4 bulan je. thnks guys!!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
neves in d morning
pagi ni ada aku ada xam for innovation paper. blm pergi amik lg dah ada rasa sakit rasa neves ka atau mmg masuk angin? i prefer d neves reason. watever it is i hope i can so it well today! amy, do ur best shot!! do not let me down! n i silently nodded..=). fighting for ur future,amy!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
raya 2011
sedar x sedar dah nak sambut raya dah tahun nih.rasa cam sekejap je kita berpuasa.esok pagi2 aku dah kene gerak kl tmpt akk aku.naik bas pagi kul 9.ak antara org2 y lambat balik.kawan2 y lain dah selamat smpi di rumah.jeles sgt jeles..wawawa
raya thn ni x balik apa blh bt..xpe la..nk sedapkan hati, sbb ri tuh da balik 2 minggu kn..nasib la thn ni thn akhir.hope everytin goes smoothly..nk LI cepat2..n graduate cepat2..pastuh da boleh balik umah.tolong mama n family.hmmm...dah xsabar ni..hihi
guys!..wish me gud luck!..gambate.
sekian, wasalam
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
my BIrthday!!
happy birthday myself~ |
17th August:
ni ada la tarikh lahir aku..tarikh ni jatuh pada hari ni (rabu)..tarikh berkeramat bg aku sbb masa ni la aku di lahirkn d dunia ni oleh mama aku, pn Aliah Hj.moklis. thnks to ol my fren y wishes macam2 kat aku.y kata aku tuwa la, lahir kt zoo ke..xkesah la....thnks banyak2 sbb ingt pada 1 tarikh y amat ptg bg aku..sayang korg semua..TERIMA KASIH!!..
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Ramadhan bulan Menginsafkan Diri
Salam ramadhan buat kawan2 kat luar sana. X sgka kan tup2 kite dah masuk bulan y penuh mulia. Bulan d mana kita sebagai umat Islam diberi peluang secara percuma tuk redeem dosa2 kecik atau pon besar. Bulan d mn semua org berebut2 tuk mencari pahala free, xyah bayar tau hanya dengan menjalankn ibadah puasa full time. Oleh itu, sempena bulan y penuh keberkatan ini, saya ingin melahirkan rasa ampun n maaf buat kawan2, n family sekalian if penah terbuat salah n dosa dgn sengaja o tidak.Maklumla sy ni hanya insan biasa.mestila x lepas dr mgata n mencaci org sepanjang sy hidup kt bumi Allah y indah ini.So, I am SORRY for wat i did. Gomene..n buat y pernah mencalar hati ini, dengan rendah hti sy MAAFkn semuanya.terasa kosong dh hati bila perkataan maaf diucapkan.kosong d sini bukan bermaksud kering hati ok, tp lebey kepada tenang hati. so, sape2 y salu berasa sush hati, bawak2la mengucapkan kata2 maaf pada orang lain n menginsafkn diri.
till we meet again dear fren.assalamualaikum...
till we meet again dear fren.assalamualaikum...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
on d Spot
jeng jeng jeng..ahernye balik jg sa d sabah..wewittt....bkurun juga nda balik nih. balik y ini pon nda di rancang tp syukur la masih lagi berpeluang mau balik time cuti panjang ni.kalo tidak uina stuck terus bah d KL tuh..thnks to mu beloved mama PN. ALIAH HJ MOKLIS becos bg permission pulang n oso bcos belikn tiket balik. thnks mama..muah muah muah..sayang mama!! akan sa hargai cuti kali ini biarpon ada juga y tida puas hati...ahhh, ketepikan itu semua...y penting kita njoy!!^^
Thursday, May 12, 2011
berakhirnya semester 6 aku
beginilah aku dalm bilik xam.=) |
aktivity y dinanti |
balik bilik masing2 buat hal sndr.ini lah masa utk transfer2 cerita. mulai hr ni dah boleh layan cite korea sehabis mungkin.terasa kepala dah kosong.xde bnde nk fikir selain njoy n oliday. ramai budak dah balik. tinggal budak2 fyp je y x balik umah.aku adalah salh seorg y tergolong dlm golongan y x balik umah. dah lama x balik sabah. rindu ngn mama, adik2 n ank buah.misshing u ol so much. tp apakn daya slagi fyp ni x siap jgn harap nk balik.thn ni thn akhir aku d aku kene perform y masa sekarang aku x ley njoy seperti budak2 y lain.
apa2 pon , am looking foward pd ap y akn berlaku esok hari.semoga makin bertambah baik life y bakal aku tempuhi. "be strong amy!! u can do it"..jerit hatiku.=) kepada kawan2 y tgh bercuti, happy oliday n selamat bercuti (eh, translation la pulak) =p hati2 d jalan raya!!peace
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
merajuk is not my style
saat bahagia kami. |
arghhhhhhhhhhhhh...benci la bila ade org nk majuk2 nih.xsuka sgt2...ape ada pada merajuk??dah la aku ni jenis y xpandai nk pujuk sgt. please la b matured ok. u r a big gurl now. i hate seeing people like dis. sikap tuh x comel la. even org tuh x majuk ngn aku but it makes me feel like am d one dat guilty here. aishhhhhh!!!..napa la aku diletakkn lam keadaaan y serba salah nih. banyak hati mau kena jaga. i just hate dis situation. asa mau teriak ja..
merajuk2 ni bukn style aku. kalo majuk ngn pakwe ke apa lain cita f majuk ngn kengkawan nih aku lemah cikit. becos kita salu hang out sm kn?so wat for??tell me wat for??
bila sum1 ni majuk kita perlu hati2 bila berkata2..dalm berkawan ak xsuka sgt nk susun ayat y mnjaga hati sgt.kawan bmksud kita direct cakap even bnde tuh sumtime sakitkn hati. itu kawan y sbenar.kawan y salu mau bermulut manis mmg plastic la bg aku.
now wat shud i do supaya dua2 pihak x makan hati?? aku diantara di sini n di sana. aku tau d sini xberniat pon mau sakitkn hati d sana. n di sana pula tnpa disedari makan hati dgn di sini. dua2 aku kawan. perlukah aku aktifkn ignorance mood aku??or??......arghhhhhhhhh..watever..
Monday, May 9, 2011
Xam week is my xam week for my sem 6. everytin just seems fine 2 me..but biasa la f mgu2 xam camni org sume salu je nk stress kn. f sahabat y rapat tetiba jd renggang tuh faham2 je lah. dugaan...masing2 under pressure. so d best way 2 avoid it just being patience n let go. saling faham situasi. kite dah lama kawan so f ada pekara buruk y kita dgr o lihat kt c kawan tuh, ingt balik ttg kebaikan y kita pernah bt sesama. that way kita xkn asa saling mbenci sgt. sifat benci mebenci akn bt kita asa x selesa.asek nk marah je. banyak sgt kejadian y ak saksikan mgu2 xam camni. so tuk elakkan bnda tuh let us be nice 2 each others ok.
setakat ni ak dah bis 3 paper. tgl satu paper elektif je lagi. finish je elektif kamis nih aku nk fikir pasal fyp aku lagi.hosssshh.... salu terfikir am i able 2 finish it o wat?byk bnda mau kena fikir. pekara paling utama dah tntu isu duit. adeh...duit o duit..ak mmg x lari dr fikir duit. nk bt fyp ni mmg perlu guna duit sndr. n den last nnt br boleh claim. once again kena sabar la. sbb aku yakin f kita sabar, Allah akn turunkn pertolongan. kita hnya perlu percaya.."yes, i tink i can survive!!"
Friday, April 1, 2011
English DAy
huhu.hari ni april 2 aku n rumate p attend english day pnya event. sana macam2 game ada. tapi still nda buli challenge kamiurg pnya batch english day dulu lah.dulu lagi meriah. yang ni game ada berapa kerat ja. apa2 pon kau sngt hepy la hari nih. dapat hanging ngn rumate. aku, fatrah n shelian. y sorg lagi budak bilik aku aimi nda tau la mghilang pegi mn dr dia nda join kamiurg. 'pakwe' baru fatrah pula y join kamiurg..huhu...nama dia akim. dia admire sama c fatrah ni. so event ni kunun bg peluang sm dorg tuk kenal hati budi masing2..eheh..banyak2 game y aku join bnyak bermain dgn tepung. mau blow2 tepung tuk dptkn sweet n bola pingpong. aku sgt messy hari nih.haha..dah lah pki tudung kaler hitam, cardigan pon kaler hitam.ish ish ish mmg habis aku kena cop ngn tepung. sgt memalukn but still myeronokan.
hari ni byk dapat snack. suma adiah y aku dapat snack ja. dorg ni konpom teda adiah lain mau bg sm urg. paling2 pon keropok, lolipop, gula2, air kosong..cuba lag bg adiah gempak nda pa lah, mayb durg out of budget kali. nyway aku sgt hepy hari nih biarpon kena bangun awal pagi smata2 tuk event junior2 micet. last n ol, hidup micet.=p
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
penghinaan Agama
baru terbaca tadi kat facebook sorg budak nih. hati panas kot bile tgk status2 dia. satu penghinaan y bertubi2 terhadap agama islam. smpi kutuk2 Nabi Muhammad lagi kot. Astaghfirullahalazim..tgk komen2 mmg agak ramai la juga y marah kat x penah pon die balas komen2 tuh. aku asa die sngaje nk tgk respon dr org ramai kot.tapi mmg x boleh terima la.tujuan die update status camtuh saje nk gugatkn keimanan org2 islam. aku harap pada sesiapa y terbaca status tuh jgn lah terpengaruh. itu salah satu taktik tuk mbangkitkn asa marah umat2 islam. n den nnt umat islam lak y kene cop pengganas ke hape.ish..mmg bijak org2 yahudi skrg nk manupulasi org kita. nasib baik budak tuh bukn budak msia. budak tuh dr seberang. memalukan negara betul.xpsal2 negara ko juga y kene serang n kutuk2.padan muka.
ada satu status die bunyi camni "Kita manusia terbuat dari tanah, tapi ada 1 manusia yg bernama Muhammad nabi palsu terbuat dari tai, walaupun mandi 100x sehari tetap aja bau, coz dari tai"...y aku heran boleh pulak die pecaya y die tu d buat dr tanah. dr mn dia tau f dia x baca quran n pecaya ngn islam? nmpk sgt diepecaya cuma x nk terima kebenaran ttg Rasulullah s.a.w. kalo nk mnyimpangkn umat islam jgnlah smpi memalukn dr sndr.nmpk sgt dah buta silap kat situ. haih...Allahualam. smoga kita semua umat islam sentiasa d bwah lindungan Allah S.W.T
yoo ah in
once tgk sungkyunkwon scandal. hati dah mula terpaut dgn watak geol oh..y dilakonkn oleh yoo ah in. die kat lam cite tuh sangat macho.huhu..mmg irresistable.huhuhu..snyumn die sgt menawan. love yoo ah in. =)
watak yoo ah in dalam sungkyunkwon scandal |
sgt comel.4 those y x tgk ag cite ni pls watch.rugi x tgk..ehhe
mata ah in sgt menawan hati.uhuh |
oh NO!
apa korg akan rasa f kawan korg suke kat kwan korg? mksud aku f kawan laki x pe lah juga. ni kawan pmpn kot. mmg lah asa suka kat org kita x ley nk control tp agak2 lah kn. f dah admit biarkn je lah. org tuh dah acknowledge den dah bile asa nafsu mgatasi segala2 nya mmg x boleh blah. mmg aku diam bile tgk tp x bmksud aku setuju.ini bmakna aku turut bersubahat.mesti lah aku x mahu.NAUZUBILLAH...mmg lah kesian kat kawan sorg nih tp pekara ni adalah SALAH d cc agama. pmpn n pmpn xkn mjadi.bgitu juga lelaki n lelaki. selama ni kite salu gelakkan org lain tp when it comes to us, bile pekara jd kat kite sndr mmg kekadang fikir juga.mayb ni balasan sbb salu gelak sgt.huhuh..ntah lah..ak harap korg ley setlle lek lok. jgn mnyimpang!! aku sayang kt korg.ingat sikit family bile buat pekara x senonoh. ap family korg akn asa bile dpt tau pkara nih??renung2kn n selamat beramal!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
smlm aku n mber tgk cite mechanic kn..lm cite tuh ade lah part scene gay-gay..n den ak n mber nih pon cite lah sal gay-les nih. zaman skg kn ramai je y jenis camtuh. kawan ak pon ckp la ngn ak y kalo gay ni kte dpt tgk dr luaran die..kalo laki tuh pegang-pegang mber sme jenis ngn die, xkesah lah pegang tgn ke o pegang bahu ke mesti org dah boleh agak y die gay..sbb sgt pelik lah tgk lelaki pegang sesama sndr kn.f pegang tgn awek lain cer lah kn...tapi f pmpn n pmpn jalan pegang tgn mostly org x cakap ape pon..huhu..nape erk? sgt myukarkn utk kite mgenalpasti pmpn tuh les ke tidak..haha
camana ek kite nk tau pmpn tuh lesbian ke x??ada cara tertentu x? p/s: sangat curious.
i have twitter oredy
haha..smlm ak dah bt twitter. jeles lak kawan2 lain ada twitter. ak pon xnk ketinggalan juga. n when i have one now am very belajar twit twit ngn org. best jugak nih. so sape2 y nk twit saya jgn lupe add 'feehilytazz' yer..hihi
sekian dr saya. selamat bertwit.
Friday, March 4, 2011
the mechanic
currently layan cita the mechanic ngn mber.xley tdo even skg dah pukul 4.30 am in d morning. wat an interesting story. hero dia sgt pro bile kena assigned bunuh2 org nih. professional killer cita ni y spoil byk sgt cita nk tut tut ja keja..mcm teda iklan lain mau buat..isk isk isk..kalo nda masukan scene tuh nda bolehka?? kok ya pon kasi tapis ka?..naseb baik lah hero dia ncem..n naseb baik lah tingu cita ni on9.kalo tingu d cinema bikin malu seja..isk isk isk..
tp cita in seronok lah..byk idea juga lah pengarah cita nih. scene action sgt best!! i give 5star for this muvie..huhu
tp cita in seronok lah..byk idea juga lah pengarah cita nih. scene action sgt best!! i give 5star for this muvie..huhu
off call tonight
malam ni adalah salah satu malam aku n dia x on kol. malm ni off sbb kedit teda suda. satu hari tgn ni asek bjalan menekan keyboard2 lappy tersayang myiapkn proposal fyp. now my proposal almost siap. mau fikir design lagi. salu aktiviti y biasa ak bt tym2 mcm ni = on kol, chatting, fb, dgr music n layan cita on9. tonight sbb on kol suda jd off kol so kita layan fb n tgk cita seja. layan seja cita korea smbil ketawa kuat2 mcm urg gila sbb cita dia cumil sgt. "my gf is a gumiho"..sgt cuteeeeee...ketawa sakan smpi kawan pon tegur nih..haha..kawan aku jd heran sbb x on kol sm c dia tersayang. nda biasa dia dgr ak nda on kol..haha..habit begini lah..smpi urg sekeliling pn jadi perasan nih..
so pesanan aku sm c dia: "nda ingat ka urg d cni??kalo ingt p la tulung t.up bah..hney teda kedit nih..haha" (budget c dia dgr n baca blog nih..)
so pesanan aku sm c dia: "nda ingat ka urg d cni??kalo ingt p la tulung t.up bah..hney teda kedit nih..haha" (budget c dia dgr n baca blog nih..)
tell me are you gonna kiss and tell??
Yeah, whoa,
No, noo,
Now I can see it girl,
You ain't gotta say nothing
Your lips are callin me,
Like they wanna do something,
I feel the chemistry,
With everything we make,
A little kiss is a definite possibility,
Seen you a couple times,
Had a couple conversations,
Since you’ve been on my mind,
Made a couple observations,
Like you’re a fly chick,
You could be my chick,
Play by the rules and
You could get what I get,
Just keep it quiet,
Keep it on the hush
(Yeah, yeah)
And what we do keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)
I don't want to see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips
Like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,
Its called a date short,
No one has to do with it,
Just you and me girl,
Tell em' we’re doin it,
Don't need that TMZ,
All in our privacy,
Use em' lips for kissin girl,
If you wanna ride with me,
And if you wanna tell somebody,
Then we can call the whole thing off,
(No Problem)
You can go your way,
And I'll go mine,
But I rather spend a little time with you,
Just keep it quiet,
(Yeah, yeah)
Keep it on the hush,
And what we do,
Keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)
I don't wanna see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted with your lips,
Girl are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Don't tell your homies,
Don't tell you mama,
Don't tell your girlfriend,
That’ll start some drama,
Stay off that facebook,
I'll treat you real good,
You keep this private,
And you can get what I get,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody,
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me,
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,
Kiss and tell,
Whoa, whoa
I’m not about that,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell
Noo, no, no
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
That’s not me
Yeah, whoa,
No, noo,
Now I can see it girl,
You ain't gotta say nothing
Your lips are callin me,
Like they wanna do something,
I feel the chemistry,
With everything we make,
A little kiss is a definite possibility,
Seen you a couple times,
Had a couple conversations,
Since you’ve been on my mind,
Made a couple observations,
Like you’re a fly chick,
You could be my chick,
Play by the rules and
You could get what I get,
Just keep it quiet,
Keep it on the hush
(Yeah, yeah)
And what we do keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)
I don't want to see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips
Like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,
Its called a date short,
No one has to do with it,
Just you and me girl,
Tell em' we’re doin it,
Don't need that TMZ,
All in our privacy,
Use em' lips for kissin girl,
If you wanna ride with me,
And if you wanna tell somebody,
Then we can call the whole thing off,
(No Problem)
You can go your way,
And I'll go mine,
But I rather spend a little time with you,
Just keep it quiet,
(Yeah, yeah)
Keep it on the hush,
And what we do,
Keep it just between us,
(Yeah, yeah)
I don't wanna see tweet about JB,
Cause the only people that you know,
Is you and me so,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted with your lips,
Girl are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Tell, said are you gonna kiss and tell,
Don't tell your homies,
Don't tell you mama,
Don't tell your girlfriend,
That’ll start some drama,
Stay off that facebook,
I'll treat you real good,
You keep this private,
And you can get what I get,
Baby, I know that you’re cool
With rockin with me,
But I can't have you tellin everybody,
You got me all twisted with your lips like this,
So tell me, tell me,
Are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell,
Tell me are you gonna kiss, kiss and tell
Tell me are you gonna kiss me,
Then tell everybody,
That you got me twisted
With your lips girl,
Are you gonna kiss and tell,
Kiss and tell,
Whoa, whoa
I’m not about that,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell
Noo, no, no
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
If you’re gonna kiss and tell,
That’s not me
hari ni macam macam yang berlaku
bermain dgn gembiranya |
dah lama lak aku x update blog ak nih..ri ni br terasa nak luahkn rs hati..
ri ni aku bgn lewat cam biasa. biasalah hari cuti kn?..salu time cuti je aku bgn lmbt nih..salu x..(budget lah kn?..haha) pastuh kawan ajak g makan. dgn berbekalkan rm5 dlm tgn aku tabahkan juga hati makan kt luar..huhu..sbnrnye dah budget dlm kepala..kalo mkn nasi putih n ayam berlada paling kurg rm5 juga cukup2 makan lah..bak kata org kais pagi makan pagi n kais petang makan petang.haha..tragis lah pula.ini lah nasib pelajar y xdpt pinjaman yer..asek nk harap PAMA je..
panjat mcm budak-budak |
pose!! |
gembira n seronok |
Aku and cik fqa aris |
nk djadikan cerita, pas makan kiteorg lepak kt taman dekat tampin..dah lm x lepak kt taman..huhu..sgt seronok..main je sume faciliti y ada kt taman tuh.amik2 gmbr..xcited sgt..y spoil je masa tgh gmbira2 amik gmbr ade lak satu keta nih tetibe stop depan kiteorg.mule2 nk ignore je tau but den ak pasan lak org lam keta tuh x kuar2..dah lah keta nk tainted je..sume hitam x nmpk sgt lah pa y irg tuh bt..lm gak lah, smpi timbul asa x selesa..ntah2 dok mgendap kiteorg kn...bukn nk pasan tp berhati2 lah.biasa lah zaman skg ni mcm2 ley berlaku.den ajak r mber aku nih blah dr ctu..cuak juga lah..
so, pesanan dr saya kepada y d luar sn sntiasa peka kepada sekeliling anda k. kalo asa x sedap hati tuh tlg jgn teruskn aktiviti anda n cepat2 lah beredar demi keselamatan.kadang2 kita x dpt nk xpect pe y bakal berlaku.
Friday, January 21, 2011
aku ada perasaan
susah betul kalo kita asek jg hati urg lain nih. terlalu mnjaga smpi ht sndr juga y sakit.
i've tried 2 b a good fren, really gud fren..but den sumtimes i tot dat it is useless. dalam berkawan nih kita mestilah tolak ansur. biasa lah tuh f ada gurau senda antara kita. TAPI masalahnya ada pula time kita begurau d ambil seyes, amik hati n so on..f kalo c kawan tuh y bgurau melampau kita sakit hati nda apa pula.
nmpk sgt selfish. org2 mcm nih y kita nda boleh trust sgt. asek nk dia ja y lebey. mn boleh??
wahai c kawan, mmg x d nafikan y ko mmg baik. tapi sikap ko tuh kadang2 bt org rs fedup pon ada juga. ak ni bukn salu terasa tapi sekali ak dah terasa ko faham2 lah. jgn asek rs ko tuh ja betul. jgn asek jg hati sndr. kalo nm nya bgurau2 juga. ak minta maaf lah kalo ada salah silap n mgguris perasaan kau dalam kita bgurau2 nih. ak xpenah pon mau amik hati. tp sekarang nih ak mmg amik hati, so u deserves my silence..kalo ak rs ok cikit nnt den i'll back 2 normal. just let me be..
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